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A decade later...

So here we are almost a decade later trying to have a baby. It's funny because I've always lied about my age mainly because when I used to tell people my age they used to gasp and can't even believe it. I guess I'm lucky in the sense that I look about 10 years younger. I even lied to myself thinking if I lie to myself about my age maybe it will keep me from ever looking older and it has worked so far. Unfortunately with fertility with age you cannot lie or trick the body. Your body knows exactly how old you are and what your body has been through. So as the years went by in reality I had just given up hope. Some friends and family would ask me if everything was ok and when we were having kids and I would just respond by saying yes we are fine we are still thinking about having kids. Although it was always on my mind I didn't want to share this information with anyone. It was so private to us but at the same time I was starting to feel angry. Not necessarily at my

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