Introduction and Azoospermia

Hello Everyone,

My name is LaLa and I decided to start a blog really for personal reasons. I've been trying to vent out some feelings and I thought why not share my trials and tribulations? Maybe I can somehow help someone down the line just like many blogs have helped me in different situations. My main focus will be on my fertility journey. I am currently 42 years old and have just recently started to try to conceive. My husband and I have been married for almost 10 years now and our fertility issues began about 8 years ago. We decided to start trying after being married for 2 years. Not sure exactly what we were waiting for considering that at that time we were both in our early 30's. I guess I've thought about that a lot and what pops into my mind is that we simply were not ready.

So after we decided to start trying 2 years into the marriage we were having absolutely no luck so we decided to go see a fertility doctor. At this appointment we did the necessary blood work, ultrasounds and everything on my end turned out to be fine. So we moved on to my husband and this is when our tribulations began. He gave a sperm sample and the sample came back as NIL meaning zero sperm. It turns out my husband had Azoospermia. This was not the news that I expected sadly the nurse on the other end of the phone was not very sympathetic in fact it almost seemed as if she smirked as she said, "Zero sperm ha! That hardly ever happens" she found it somewhat amusing where I, found the news absolutely devastating! We were then sent to a Urologist to do further tests. Here they did more tests and concluded that my husband possibly has varicocele. They really did not guarantee that the procedure called embolization would work 100%. Unfortunately my husband left the appointment pale and a paper. He was adamant about proceeding with this procedure. I really didn't want to pressure him to do anything. Instead I thought well we have time so maybe he will change his mind. Since we were in our early 30's and had just been married I thought we would take a "small break" on this quest. Unfortunately the small break turned into years in fact almost a decade because here I am now at 42 in the middle of my life really trying to have a baby.


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